
Alien Adventurers - 32mm resin miniatures

Created by Jason Richards Publishing

A collection of alien adventurer character minis based on the Breachworld RPG, but usable at virtually any gaming table. Cast in detailed 32 mm resin for tabletop gamers, collectors, and painters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

FUNDED! But we're not done yet!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 07:54:26 PM


We did it!

Thanks to everyone for the support! We have lots of time to keep this thing going into Stretch Goals galore! Please keep sharing posts and telling your friends and spreading the word however you can.

In the coming week we'll have some in-depth looks at some of these characters and their development, some reviews and perhaps a look at some painted figures. We'll also get the first two Stretch Goal minis finished and share a final look at them as well.

Thanks again to everyone who pledged, and to those that haven't yet, there's plenty of room on this bandwagon.

Game on!

A terrific Day One nears a close!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 03:29:32 AM

Hello everyone, and thanks for your support! Together we are going to have a great campaign.

Where we stand

We have a few hours until Day One officially closes, but this is where we currently stand:

40 Backers for $1251, 83% funded in less than 21 hours. A real shot to fund on Day One! Soooo close!

40 pledged of each miniature (more or less). This pretty well assures that we'll be where we need to be in terms of volume a couple of weeks from now.

14 days to go! That's plenty of time to hit not just one, but a few Stretch Goals. As you know, we have both the Elder and Hollow Mage well underway in anticipation that we'll do just that.

Let me also say this. If we can manage to meet our funding goal on Day One, it will put me in a very good mood. Very good. I might do something crazy like throw additional free stuff to those who have pledged in the opening day. We'll have to see how the numbers crunch, but if there's room for more freebies, those who pledge in the opening 24 hours will get them.

How you can help

You've already helped so much by contributing, I can't very well ask any more of you. But if you really want to see this campaign excel, and benefit from its success, there are a few basic things you can do that I hope aren't too far out of your way:

  • Please please please take a moment and post a link to the campaign on your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blog, subreddit, or forum of choice, along with a few words about why you believe in the project. This is by far the most impactful thing you can do. Pretty much everyone I know is now aware of the campaign, so it's time to make sure that everyone you know is also aware and pledging. I'll include a bunch of links to the campaign's presence at the end of this update for your use.
  • If you see a post from me or someone else on social media, give it a "Like" or a "retweet" or a "+1." Respond to and engage with the other backers. I can't express how much that actually helps bring in more people.
  • Use the comments section here on the campaign to share places that others can go and share to spread the word. Do you know a blog or podcast or forum where you can talk up these great miniatures? Hit them up and then tell the rest of us where to hit them up as well.
  • Leave comments or send me a message if there are things that you'd like to see in the campaign, or if you have suggestions to improve things. This really is a communal effort and we're all in it together. Even if you just drop a note of encouragement, that's great as well!
  • Go big! If you think you might want to grab that set of bases or that Mod Kit or that 75mm Dru or that Stretch Goal mini when it becomes available, go ahead and pledge for it. Nothing is written in stone until the campaign is done. The additional funding helps to bring visibility and prestige to the project. That's one reason that it would be so huge if we could fund tonight, on Day One. It's a great talking point and gives people on the fence the confidence to pledge.

Welcome to the family

Know that your support means the absolute world to me, and that I'll work hard for you. If you need something, let me know. If you think something isn't square, let me know that as well. I appreciate the community and camaraderie of this campaign more than I can express. I really do view us all as partners, and that's how I aspire to treat each and every one of you.


Campaign site:

Campaign site (alternate):





Forums: and EN World (look for existing threads before starting anything new)

Reddit: r/rpg (look for existing threads before starting anything new)