
Alien Adventurers - 32mm resin miniatures

Created by Jason Richards Publishing

A collection of alien adventurer character minis based on the Breachworld RPG, but usable at virtually any gaming table. Cast in detailed 32 mm resin for tabletop gamers, collectors, and painters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Grim character stats for Savage Worlds AND Mini Six now available
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 06:55:48 PM

Hey, guys and gals. You may now download the character stats for Caliber and the Grim player race for both Mini Six and Savage Worlds. I hope you really enjoy it and can put this great character to use in your game. Click through the links, below.

Caliber and the Grim for Mini Six
Caliber and the Grim for Mini Six


Caliber and the Grim for Savage Worlds
Caliber and the Grim for Savage Worlds




Status at +3 weeks, plus a question
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 01:52:40 PM

Hey everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans. I hope the holiday season starts out well for everyone.

Not a lot to report today, but I didn't want to go two weeks without news. 


Funding has gone through and I now have the cash, and have already put it to good use. Our sculptor has been paid his balance and I have the order for the final 3D print proofs in with the printer. I should hopefully get that turned around this week.


If you pledged a PDF copy of the Breachworld RPG and/or Player's Guide as an Add-On, you should have received an email from DriveThruRPG with a link to your goodies last week. Let me know if you haven't. For those who may still be interested, don't worry, you'll get a chance to add those on via BackerKit.

Additional Add-On?

I had someone ask me about the possibility of adding on a set of the custom Breachworld RPG dice (typically 5 blue and 1 red "wild" die, but available individually as well). A pic is below.

I'm actually totally out of these, but could get some more printed up as Add-Ons if there is any interest. The real question is, should I get the original dice reprinted, or would people be interested in a Mark II dice offering in a different color scheme? Any thoughts? I'm leaning toward doing something new, because new is always exciting. 

Maybe something like the Chessex Gemini Steel-Teal and Steel-Purple?

Or Copper-Steel and Green-Steel?

Maybe something more minimalist just in a solid color? I'm not sure. Post a comment or send me a message if you've got an opinion. Lots of great choices.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

As always, please feel free to hit me up 

Status at +1 week
about 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 02:05:45 PM

Hello, everyone. Happy Tuesday.

It's been a week since the campaign closed, and things have been very busy behind the scenes, preparing for production. I thought I would give you a status update on a number of fronts.


Nearly everyone has had the funding go through, with just a couple of you who need to work out some glitch or other with your bank. Once the funding finalizes in another week or so, those funds will immediately start getting distributed to make final art payments and start production.

Kickstarter Survey

Thanks to the vast majority of you who completed your Kickstarter survey. It has helped me to get a handle on demand for various miniatures so we can make decisions about production. Getting answers from the few outstanding will help to lock it down further.

For those keeping score at home, the Dru has turned out to be the most popular of the minis, with the Tusk close behind.

Pledge Management

I've begun working on BackerKit surveys and setup, which will allow you to place your final orders, including any more Add-Ons or bonuses you might want. So, those who have asked about adding a Hollow Mage or a Mod Kit or whatever else, you'll get your chance.

I'll send out the BackerKit survey and open the campaign for late adds after all of the proofs come in, so still several weeks out. That means you have some time to still recruit friends and fellow gamers/painters/collectors to the fold.


One small change from the stated plan is that it looks like I'll be self-fulfilling the orders instead of using BlackBox. I was really excited to use that service, but we didn't hit the minimum number of orders required.

This is something that doesn't really impact you as a backer. You'll just get your package directly from me instead through a third party. It means more work for me in doing shipping calculations and means that I'm going to purchase a good postage printer and scale, but that's just part of the fun of running a Kickstarter!

If you are one of my non-US backers, keep your eyes peeled for a message from me in the coming weeks, as we will probably have a chat to make sure I have everything in order to meet whatever specific demands your country has for international packages.


The other likely small change comes in fabrication. There is no way to be certain until the BackerKit opens up and we get more orders, but if things stand as they are right now, we'll be doing more 3D printing than originally anticipated. The 32mm Tusk will be cast, as will the miniature bases. The Dru and Grim will likely be 3D printed, along with the Elder and Hollow Mage that we already knew would be printed instead of cast.

This doesn't actually impact anything on your end, as you'll still get resin miniatures with superior detail. Just keeping you in the loop.

I'll order the last proofs for the Elder and Hollow Mage in the next day or two. Can't wait to see them up close!

Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or anything else, feel free to drop me a line anytime in this process. We'll have this thing fulfilled before you know it!

Final 48 hours! New backing level, updates, and more.
about 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 07:41:33 AM

Happy Monday, everyone, as we enter the last hours of the campaign. This is my favorite part of the process, where things are in a rush to finish up and the final form of the campaign is really taking shape.

$100 EVERYTHING pledge level

As it looks like we have a good handle on what the scope of the campaign will be, it allows me to run the numbers and offer a good bargain for those who want to get the most out of these great miniatures. I've added a $100 level that includes all of the miniatures and their Mod Kits, like the COMPLETE CORE SET but to include the Elder and Hollow Mage as well. It breaks down as follows:

  • Tusk x2
  • Tusk Mod Kit
  • Dru x2
  • Dru Mod Kit
  • Grim x 2
  • Grim Mod Kit
  • Elder x2
  • Elder Mod Kit
  • Hollow Mage x2
  • Hollow Mage Mod Kit

This is the best value in the campaign.

Hollow Mage Mod Kit Art

I've added renders of the Hollow Mage Mod Kit pieces to the campaign page for your perusal. Take a good look at all of those options and add on that Mod Kit and an extra Hollow Mage! Eighteen combinations!

Pledge Management

I've already started on the post-campaign surveys, via BackerKit. Once the campaign ends and the funding goes through, I'll order proof copies of all of the miniatures so I can take pictures to share with everyone. You'll have the chance to add things on after the campaign ends, but still may get the best value during the campaign, so don't delay.

Before you get that final BackerKit survey, you'll get a survey from Kickstarter. This is going to be used as a preliminary survey to see what exactly you're expecting to receive as part of your pledge. For example, if you pledged PICK ONE, it will help to know which miniature you want to receive. This is the sort of information that is going to help decide production questions, like which miniatures it might make more sense to 3D print instead of cast. So, when you get that survey in the day or two after the campaign ends, please respond.

In fact, if you want to send me a message or leave a comment as to what minis you're expecting in your pledge now, before the survey, that would be great as well. Information is power.

Time is ticking

Share the campaign with everyone! Lock in those Add-Ons and upgrade your pledge to EVERYTHING! Don't wait until midnight on Tuesday and miss your opportunity. Tell a friend!

Thanks for everything, guys and gals! Let's push through to the end.

Dru character stats now available for Savage Worlds, totally FREE.
about 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 05:51:36 PM

Howdy. I hope you've had a great weekend full of fun and friends and family, and hopefully a lot of gaming. A quick update on Sunday night before we push into the final 48 hours of the campaign...

For those of you out there who are Savage Worlds gamers, you can not get the Dru character and race writeup in that system. Just follow THIS LINK to DriveThruRPG and download it with my compliments.

The Tusk miniature received a similar Savage treatment, available HERE.

More tomorrow as we enter the last two days!

Dru, for Savage Worlds
Dru, for Savage Worlds