
Alien Adventurers - 32mm resin miniatures

Created by Jason Richards Publishing

A collection of alien adventurer character minis based on the Breachworld RPG, but usable at virtually any gaming table. Cast in detailed 32 mm resin for tabletop gamers, collectors, and painters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Have you pledged for the Dru mini? Get the FREE character download.
about 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 02:12:11 PM

Hello, friends. Just a note that you can now download the full character and racial stats for Stella, depicted as our Dru miniature. This is totally free, whether you have pledged or not! Might as well check it out at THIS LINK on DriveThruRPG. Stats for the Savage Worlds gaming system will follow.

As a reminder, you can also get character downloads for the Tusk miniature, available for two game systems: Mini Six and Savage Worlds. Also totally free.



Nearly $2000! A pre-weekend social update.
about 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 01:09:08 PM

As we head into the final weekend of the campaign, nearly reaching the $2000 mark, I wonder who will help us climb over that hump? Will it be an existing backer upping a pledge to add some Mega-Sized Minis? Will it be a new backer that one of you refers? Is it someone who has been waiting in the wings? There's no way to know, but I'm excited to meet whoever it is.

What's in your basket?

We'll know the final answer to this in a few weeks, once the campaign is ended and money is collected and surveys are in from the pledge manager. But for now, let's chat about it. Would anyone care to share with the rest of the class what is included in your pledge?

What Add-Ons have you grabbed?

What Day One bonus are you claiming?

Which miniatures are you grabbing multiples of?

What builds are you going to create with your Mod Kits?

Have a great weekend

We'll keep plugging away this weekend, with new Character Folios posting and a few updates here and there to the campaign page as we get new renders. Keep sharing posts on social media and increase your own contribution to grab more awesome stuff!

Next Monday and Tuesday we'll do a HUGE push to get us all the funding we can as the hours count down. Your participation in this campaign is what makes it great!

The imposing Hollow Mage, and why he belongs in your pledge
about 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 07:28:39 AM

The Hollow Mage, along with all his many options and bits, was added to the campaign this week. In this update I’ll share some details about him with you, as well as plenty of new renders of the final art.  

So, why should the Hollow Mage be added to your pledge?

Hollow Mage
Hollow Mage
Hollow Mage with partial Mod Kit
Hollow Mage with partial Mod Kit

Fantastic character

The Breachworld RPG, which first spawned the Hollow Mage, is a “kitchen sink” game that dips its toes into every imaginable type of setting. More than any other miniature in the campaign, the Hollow Mage is born of the type of fantasy world so prevalent in the RPG hobby that we love. The base model has a great, menacing pose for the character. The Mod Kit adds various spell effects in each hand that really sell him as a master of mystic arts. It’s not at all hard to see him on a gaming table for a game of fantasy, urban fantasy, space opera, or something post-apocalyptic.

Amazing additions

The best feature of the Hollow Mage, in my opinion, is his extensive Mod Kit. We maybe went a little overboard with this one. He has an alternate head sculpt that is a vast departure from the basic model, plus not just one extra set of hands, but two sets. Most of the Mod Kits have two extra pieces, which means that with the base model there are four unique combinations of the character. The Dru, with its various options to include animal companions or not, has six unique combos so that you can really customize her for your game. The Hollow Mage has eighteen unique builds. EIGHTEEN different pairings of heads and hands that feature various arcane powers.

Flaming Sword from Mod Kit
Flaming Sword from Mod Kit
Arcane Blade from Mod Kit
Arcane Blade from Mod Kit
Fireball from Mod Kit
Fireball from Mod Kit
Icy Fist from Mod Kit
Icy Fist from Mod Kit
Alternate Head Sculpt from Mod Kit
Alternate Head Sculpt from Mod Kit

Bigger is better

It was interest in getting the Hollow Mage (and Elder) in the larger 54mm and 75mm scales that prompted their addition to the campaign ahead of their original Stretch Goal targets, and for good reason. The Hollow Mage, with all of his detail and options, will be a beautiful large-scale painting project. He’ll inspire awe in everyone who sees him standing on your display shelf.

Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details
Hollow Mage details

Pledge now

For these reasons and more, consider adding the Hollow Mage to your pledge, along with his can’t-miss Mod Kit. Just increase your pledge by the amount necessary to cover the miniature that you desire. We’ll get all the details sorted out during Pledge Management.

Pledge Add-On values are as follows:

  • 32mm Hollow Mage - $12
  • 32mm Hollow Mage Mod Kit - $4
  • 54mm Hollow Mage (includes Mod Kit) - $30
  • 75mm Hollow Mage (includes Mod Kit) - $60

The powerful Elder, and why she belongs in your pledge
about 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 09:28:32 AM

We're into Week 2 of the campaign. We're funded and have added two new miniatures (at all scales) to the campaign for your gaming, painting, and collecting enjoyment. Exciting stuff, to be sure!  

I thought in this update I’d go over the Elder, and why she belongs as part of your pledge.

Elder with Mod Kit
Elder with Mod Kit

Setting flexibility

In the lore of Breachworld, on which these miniatures are based, the Elder are a very ancient race with technology that is sufficiently advanced so to be indistinguishable from magic. For this model, that means a very fantastic, yet uniquely sci-fi aesthetic that makes her very flexible. The miniature works as well in a fantasy game as in a space opera. She has all the hallmarks of a powerful sorceress or even a goddess. Her trademark Lens, both a tool and a weapon, can stand in for an amulet, talisman, or artifact from any type of setting. The Lens on the Mod Kit in particular is begging to be painted with a rune or symbol, marking it as arcane.

Elder detail
Elder detail
Elder with Mod Kit detail
Elder with Mod Kit detail

Beautiful, but tasteful

What I’m perhaps most proud of regarding this miniature is that we didn’t fall into the easy trap of making the character overtly sexual. The Elder, like most “higher” races in RPGs, is idyllic in stature and appearance. She’s beautiful and well put together, but doesn’t show excessive skin or have ridiculous, cartoonish proportions. She’s not wearing armor that is as useless against the cold as against a weapon. Her outfit is fantastical, but practical. I think it strikes a great balance.

Additional Elder details
Additional Elder details

Unique design

From the original commissioning of the art for the Elder to appear in the Breachworld RPG, the edict was that they appear beautiful and ideal, with dress in the style one might fight in a 1970s sci-fi flick. The patterns and style of the Elder from the original RPG informed this miniature to give us the cool “sci-fi lines” on the body glove, the wide shoulders, and high neck of the jacket. The pointed and divided skirts evolved from Eric’s Quigley’s concept art. I think the model by Kevin Cayuela Borg really nailed that goal.

If you’re a painter or collector, take a look at the Elder in 54mm or 75mm. The bold design of the outfit, the beauty of the head sculpts, and the esoteric effects all provide interesting opportunities to make her look really great on your shelf.

Additional Elder with Mod Kit details
Additional Elder with Mod Kit details

Pledge now

Consider adding the Elder to your pledge, along with her Mod Kit to provide the widest variety of character options. If you want to get the most out of the miniature, grab two of them and a Mod Kit so you can create multiple, unique characters for your game. Just increase your pledge by the requisite amount to cover the additional miniatures, and you’ll be free to clarify your selection during Pledge Management.  

Pledge Add-On values are as follows:
  • 32mm Elder - $12
  • 32mm Elder Mod Kit - $3
  • 54mm Elder (includes Mod Kit) - $30
  • 75mm Elder (includes Mod Kit) - $60

Two additional miniatures and Mod Kits available NOW
over 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 07:08:04 AM

After some conversation with a couple of backers, I have decided to offer up the Elder and Hollow Mage as Add-On pledges. The campaign page has been updated to reflect this. To add these very cool and versatile miniatures, simply increase your pledge by the following:

  • Elder - $12
  • Elder Mod Kit - $3
  • Hollow Mage - $12
  • Hollow Mage Mod Kit - $4

What's different?

You'll note that some of these minis are slightly more expensive than the three core models. That is because, for now, they are being planned to be 3D printed instead of cast due to the unknown number of orders. This makes little to no practical difference to the final product, but costs more to produce.

If and when we reach the stated Stretch Goals ($2500 for the Elder and $3500 for the Hollow Mage), we'll have enough funding to cast these instead of print them, and the price will drop to $10 for the models.


The Elder is a beautiful miniature with a great Mod Kit. In-game, the Elder are an idyllic race of humanoids that approach demigod status, with technology that is sufficiently advanced enough to resemble magic, including the powerful weapon and tool she is holding, known as a Lens. The miniature works well in a number of settings from fantasy to science fiction, and is simply a stunning example of Kevin Cayuela Borg's work. Note that the miniature base of the Elder is as shown in the Mod Kit photo below, with the levitation effect.

The Mod Kit has a dramatically different alternate head sculpt and a more aggressive pose with the Lens, facing it outward. The Lens works just as well as any sort of amulet, magic mirror, or other artifact.

Elder WIP
Elder WIP
Elder Mod Kit WIP
Elder Mod Kit WIP

Hollow Mage

The lore around the Hollow Mage is that each is stillborn until a core of mystical energy is placed in his or her chest cavity to power the body for a lifetime. This magical heart gives the Hollow Mage incredible supernatural powers. The miniature works well as the avatar of any number of mages or mystics in a variety of games.

The Mod Kit is where the Hollow Mage gets especially interesting. The art will be shown soon, but it is by far the most extensive set of extras for any of the models. It will include an alternate head sculpt and two alternate sets of hands. What this means is that while most miniatures have four possible configurations (the Dru has six), the Hollow Mage has eighteen possible builds by combining the two different head sculpts, three right hands, and three left hands. So, while the Mod Kit is a touch more expensive than others, it really is one of the best values of the campaign.

Hollow Mage WIP
Hollow Mage WIP


Both of these miniatures are also available in 54mm and 75mm scales. As with other models, the given prices include the Mod Kit.

Add-On only

As mentioned, right now the Elder and Hollow Mage will only be available as Add-Ons, and not part of the pledge packages. If you're only interested in one of these Add-Ons and not any of the core miniatures, just pledge $1 and then add the total Add-On amount. If you have questions about how much to pledge, just contact me.

If and when we hit the Stretch Goals for price reduction, the miniatures will be available as part of the "PICK" packages.

Going strong

Share this campaign with others to help it grow, and have a great week!